陳靜怡Janice Chan | 香港藝人網 HK Artist - 最強的演藝人O2O平台


陳靜怡(Janice Chan)是一位集多項藝術才能的藝術工作者。畢業於加拿大卑詩省西門菲沙大學經濟和音樂系的她, 既是古典樂/流行曲鋼琴老師, 爵士樂歌手, 電影配樂作曲人, 亦是一位自由身演員。
自5年前為電影“不是白痴”做電影配樂而同時間獲機會初嚐演員滋味在戲中飾演“陳姑娘”這角色, 在這些年間她亦有幸參與大大小小的商業和非商業電影, 短片, 電視劇和廣告。其中有份參與演出的兩個政府廣告分別為政府低收入在職家庭津貼計劃和入境處勿僱用非法勞工。    
除了演員這身份外, 其他時間她熱衷於音樂教學和與樂隊各大小公開或私人場合擔任爵士樂歌手和間中流行曲歌手的工作。
Job Experience 經驗:
2014 (Music Production): Composing 原創電影配樂:
1) Hong Kong Independent Feature Film, "Naive", Original Film Score/Soundtrack)
香港獨立電影 "不是白痴Naive", 電影原聲配樂 
a) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9Rr1J4PSlg (Theme Track: "In The Mist")
b) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_u8pAnRJa4 (Ending Track: "Beyond The Mist")
c) https://soundcloud.com/chanjanice/alone-in-the-dark-final (Sad Track: "Alone In The Dark")
2012-2017 Public Live Performance: Vocalist and Pianist 公開歌唱演奏表演:
1) Live Gig as a Pop/Jazz vocalist at YWCA, Visage One, Les Pucelles, Hip Cellar Another Place by David Myers, Starbucks, G&V Music Cafe, GaGiNong, Aberdeen Promenade, FundacaoRuiCunha@Macao, Orange Peel and Peel Fresco

a) https://www.facebook.com/394860337239409/videos/1542731635785601/ (Jazz Quintet + Mini big band setting), 2017

b) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aVyjcFD2vE (Jazz Duo: Guitar / Vocal, Swing / Latin), 2016

c) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHM2P78LM1U (Jazz Quartet: Guitar / Vocal / Double Bass / Drum, Swing / Latin), 2016

d) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kqJUA1PYRA (Jazz Trio: Guitar / Vocal / Saxophone, Swing / Latin, 2016)

e) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kknIKiv1DAo (Jazz Duo Demo: Swing / Latin), 2015

f) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwpwIGgNH8M (Cantonese Pop Demo), 2016

g) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9A9LjoxR8Y (Cantonese Pop on Vocal and Piano), 2015

h) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wWBHfR3Y7I (English Pop RnB), 2014

(Feature Film): Acting 商業電影演出:
1) "大浪淘沙Sand Pebbles" 飾演家務助理May姐, act as a domestic helper, May (Supporting).
2) "不是白痴Naive", 飾演女配角-社工“陳姑娘”, act as a social worker - Miss Chan (Supporting).
3) "戀@廣場Loveatsquare", 飾演骨科醫生,act as an orthopedist (Supporting).
(RTHK & Fantastic TV Program): Acting 電視演出:
1) "回到未來錢-美麗帳單", RTHK Program, 飾演二家姐, act as a sister (Supporting).
2) “火速救兵3 - 失蹤 (上), RTHK Program, 飾演太太∕媽媽, act as wife/mother (Supporting).
3) “那些年.那些歌 - 蔡楓樺篇”, RTHK Program,飾演Janice, act as Janice, Singer Kenneth Choi's assistant (Supporting).
4) "私隱何價2 -抉擇", RTHK Program, 飾演太太∕媽媽, act as wife/mother (Supporting).
5) "人間有情2016 - 蘋果的故事", RTHK Program, 飾演萍姐, act as casher, Ping (Supporting).
6) "熱戀 100天", Fantastic TV 奇妙電視, 飾演8嬸", act as Auntie 8 (Supporting).
(TVC & MV): Acting 廣告/MV演出:
1) Online Game (China)TVC, 飾演CID, act as a plainclothes policewoman (Supporting).
2) Dr. Kong Roadshow TVC 飾演-孕婦, act as a pregnant woman (Main).
3) Watsons Water "屈臣氏蒸餾水: 愛不容易”, 飾演評審, act as a judge from a dancing competition (Supporting).
4) HK Government Low Income Family (Part 1) TVC, 政府低收入家庭廣告, 飾演媽媽, act as mother (Main).
5) HK Government Low Income Family (Part 2) TVC, 政府低收入家庭廣告, 飾演媽媽, act as mother (Main).  
6) HK Government Low Income Family (Part 3) TVC, 政府低收入家庭廣告, 飾演媽媽, act as mother (Main).  
7) HK Polytechnic University TVC Graduation Project, HK Public Library (Housewife Chapter), 飾演師奶, act as housewife (Main).
8) HK Canton Pop Female Singer "Angela Pang" MV, 香港女歌手彭家麗 "情人知己" MV, 飾演太太, act as wife (Supporting).
9) HK Immigration TVC, 政府入境處廣告, 飾演茶餐廳老闆娘, act as owner of local HK style cafe (Main).
2015: Print Ad 平面廣告演出:
Ocean Park 海洋公園, 飾演林亞珍, act as Lam Ah Chun.
(Short Film): Acting 短片演出:
1) "旅人", 飾演銘琪癌症關顧中心主管Michelle, act as Maggie's Cancer Caring Centre Head: Michelle (Supporting).
2) The Prince of Wales Hospital (Shatin), 沙田威爾斯親王醫院,  飾演女兒“余小姐", act as daughter, Miss Yu (Main).
3) Kowloon Hospital, 九龍醫院, 飾演病人家屬/情緒病病人, act as patient's family / emotional illness patient (Main).
4) HKUSpace/Open University, "The Serenade", 飾演Jackie Yeung, 鋼琴老師/作曲家, act as Jackie Yeung, a piano teacher and a composer (Main).
5) IFVA2016 Short Film, "咁有鬼Coincidence", 飾演女作家何慧欣, act as writer Ho Wai Yan (main). 
6) IFVA2015 Short Film, "V for Vendetta", 飾演女主播, act as anchor (Supporting).
7) IFVA2014 Short Film, "Stuntman", 飾演女明星 Maggie, act as actress, Maggie (Supporting).
8) ETV ICAC Short Film, 飾演女主角吳恭萍, act as Ng Kung Ping (Main).
9) ICAC Online Short Film Festival, "夢魘“ - ”全城傳誠“ 微電影, 飾演媽媽, act as Mom (Supporting).  
10) (香港心)微電影創作比賽 "是他也是你和我" 飾演主角母親, act as Nietzsche's mother (Supporting).
11) Innovation. Technology. Industries Microfilm Competition 創新科技微電影比賽2014 "納米衣之源 Nanotechnology" 飾演-張帆母親.金融經紀, act as Cheung Fan's mother, a finance broker (Supporting).
12)  Freshwave International Short Film Festival 鮮浪潮 2015
a) "我看見老闆娘與奸夫鬼混 Before I was burned",飾演老闆娘麗嫦, act as owner's wife, Li Chang (Supporting).
b) "If Zero", 飾演玲媽, act as Ling's mother (Supporting).
c) "別來無恙 See you once again", 飾演陳嘉怡, act as mother/daughter Chan Ka Yi (Supporting).
13) Freshwave International Short Film Festival 鮮浪潮 2014 
a) “樓上樓下Neighbours” 飾演女配角-老公剛意外過身的陳師奶, act as Mrs. Chan, whose husband just passed away from an accident (Supporting).
b) “溺愛有害Doting” 飾演-再婚的離婚媽媽, act as a divorced mother remarry (Supporting).
c)  “神棍Charlatan” 飾演 -女信徒, act as a psychic follower (Guest).
14) YMCA Sponsorship Independent Short Film, YMCA基金贊助香港獨立短片 "美玲“, 飾演女主角-”美玲“, act as Mei Ling (Main).  
15) “Black&White 75th Anniversary Short Film", 黑白淡奶七十五週年短片,  飾演媽媽, act as mother.
16) HK Government Short Film, 老人院短片, 飾演老人院院舍院長,  act as dean of home of elderly.
17) M21 Asian Youth Short Film Festival, M21第二屆華人青年短片大賽 , 飾演女主角-妻子“Janice”, act as a wife - Janice "瘟疫The Plague" (Main).
(Student Final Year Project): Acting 大學學生畢業短片演出:
1) IVE, 香港專業教育學院, "Indieband", 飾演場地經理- Megan Lau, act as a band  show venue manager, Megan Lau (Supporting).
2) Hong Kong Design Institute. 香港知專設計學院高級文憑畢業作品,“軌道”, 飾演一位內地女強人, act as a superwoman from Mainland China (Supporting).
3) Hong Kong Design Institute.  香港知專設計學院高級文憑畢業作品, "親愛的女兒", 飾演家姐, act as sister  (Supporting).
4) Hong Kong Design Institute. 香港知專設計學院高級文憑畢業作品,“我們的FYP”, 飾演Queen, act as FYP Tutor, Queen (Supporting).
5) "飛翔", 飾演酒樓知客媽媽-“Mable 姐”, act as a receptionist, Mable, in a Chinese Restaurant (Supporting).
6) "路上行人", 飾演何曼(大家姐), act as Ho Man, eldest sister (Supporting).
7) “狩獵者", 飾演主婦債仔, act as a housewife debtor (Supporting).
8) "相公", 飾演女配角- "徐麗盈", act as Tsui Li Ying (Supporting).
9) "不說愛Animal Planet", 飾演媽媽, act as Mother (Supporting).
10) "和你一起最後的30天The Last 30 Days”, 飾演女配角-”邱懿晞”, act as Yau Yi Hei (Supporting).
11) "我們都沒有錯Neither Of Us”, 飾演女主角-”媽媽”, act as Mother (Main).
12) “疫境Epidemic”,  飾演政府高官, act as a high official (Guest).
13) "





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